
Where Tradition

Pedra Preta farm photo set

A Legacy Born
from the Mountains

Nestled in the Serra da Mantiqueira, where the mountains bless our soil with a perfect blend of altitude, temperature and humidity, Fazenda Pedra Preta stands as a testament to a century-old legacy intertwined with Brazil’s coffee history.

Here, in a region that has shaped the narrative of coffee production in Brazil, our farm’s story begins with a vision rooted in the love for these lands and a dream that spanned generations.

The Dream of
Mauro Mendes Ferreira

From a young boy leading his siblings to school across the mountains, to a visionary farmer transforming the landscape with coffee, Mauro Mendes Ferreira’s legacy is the cornerstone of Fazenda Pedra Preta.

His dream, nurtured amidst the breathtaking vistas of Pedra Preta, became a reality through decades of dedication to coffee cultivation. Today, his descendants honor his vision by blending tradition with innovation, ensuring the farm’s role as a beacon of regenerative coffee farming.

Coffee Plantation at Fazenda Pedra Preta.

Regenerative Pioneers

Under the stewardship of Eduardo and Otávio Ferreira, Mauro’s grandsons, Fazenda Pedra Preta is entering a new era. Their mission: to transform the farm into a model of regenerative coffee production. By marrying the wisdom of five generations with cutting-edge agricultural practices, they’re preserving a legacy while spearheading the charge towards a fertile future for coffee.

Mauro Mendes Ferreira.
Mauro Mendes Ferreira.

Crafting the Future Cup by Cup

At Fazenda Pedra Preta, every bean tells a story of dedication, from the careful selection of varietals to the art of processing.

Our approach ensures that each cup of coffee not only offers a unique sensory experience but also stimulates the birth of resilient ecosystems, filled with biodiversity, thus contributing to the health of the planet.

Through continuous innovation and a commitment to regenerative practices, we’re crafting a legacy that goes beyond the farm, inspiring a movement towards a more conscious and vibrant coffee culture.

Agroforestry and plantation at Pedra Pedra Farm.

Crafting the Future Cup by Cup

At Fazenda Pedra Preta, every bean tells a story of dedication, from the careful selection of varietals to the art of processing.

Our approach ensures that each cup of coffee not only offers a unique sensory experience but also stimulates the birth of resilient ecosystems, filled with biodiversity, thus contributing to the health of the planet.

Through continuous innovation and a commitment to regenerative practices, we’re crafting a legacy that goes beyond the farm, inspiring a movement towards a more conscious and vibrant coffee culture.

read our

Aerial photo of the plantation.

Restore the land, strengthen ecosystems. Rethink the farmer’s relationship with nature to work in harmony with it. This realization, seemingly obvious, sounds almost subversive. 

taste the

Flora coffee bag photo

Our privileged terroir, a consistent winner of the Cup of Excellence in Brazil, has positioned us as specialty coffee producers for generations. 

know our

Photo of the Flora team of workers.

Founded in 2022, Flora represents the culmination of decades of tradition, taking a bold leap into the future of regenerative coffee production.

Rolar para cima